March 11, 2024

Triggers and Habits: Using Psychology for Viral Content Spread

The quest for viral content is akin to finding the Holy Grail in content marketing. But what if we told you that this elusive treasure could be within reach through the strategic application of psychology?

The quest for viral content is akin to finding the Holy Grail in content marketing. But what if we told you that this elusive treasure could be within reach through the strategic application of psychology?

Yes, by tapping into our brains' wiring, content creators will enhance the shareability and impact of their work. Let's embark on a journey to uncover how leveraging psychological triggers and habits can transform your content into an unstoppable viral phenomenon.

The Science of Virality

Wharton professor Jonah Berger has identified key factors that drive virality:

Social Currency: People share things that make them look good to others. Content should be crafted to help the sharer seem "in the know," entertaining, or altruistic.

Triggers: Content linked to contextual cues (e.g. holidays) or associations (e.g. emotions) is more likely to be shared when those cues are triggered.

Emotions: Content that evokes high-arousal emotions like awe, anger, or anxiety travel further. Positive emotions like joy also facilitate sharing.

Public Visibility: Easily observable content garners more sharing. Hashtags and visual summaries make content more explicit.

Practical Value: Useful, helpful information spreads quickly as it provides functional value to the audience. DIY tutorials and life hack lists leverage this.

Stories: We make sense of the world through stories. Narrative formats grab attention and travel.

Understanding what drives people to share gives a scientific foundation, but crafting content that activates these drivers requires artistry and creativity.

The Psychological Blueprint of Virality

Our brains are hard wired to respond to certain stimuli — a fact that, when applied with finesse, can turn your content into the next big thing.

The Lure of Novelty: Neuroscience reveals that our brains light up when we encounter something new. This dopamine surge makes us feel good and drives our curiosity and engagement. For marketers, this means innovating and presenting content in fresh, unexpected ways. Think of combining different formats or introducing new angles on familiar topics. Remember, familiarity breeds boredom, while novelty sparks intrigue and shares.

Emotional Resonance - The Heart of Virality: Content that stirs powerful emotions—joy, surprise or even outrage—tends to be shared more. But here's where the art of balance comes into play. It's not just about pushing emotional buttons; it's about crafting stories that resonate on a human level. Use humour to break down barriers or inspire awe to lift spirits. The key is authenticity; your audience can sniff out insincerity from a mile away.

Social Proof - Riding the Wave of Collective Behaviour: We're social creatures, and the digital realm is no exception. Incorporating elements of social proof, such as user testimonials or sharing counters, will boost your content's credibility and shareability. It's the virtual equivalent of seeing a long line outside a restaurant; we're drawn to what others find valuable.

The Power of Curiosity and the Information Gap: Curiosity is a potent psychological trigger. By creating a gap between what your audience knows and wants to know, you can compel them to engage further with your content. Think provocative headlines or intriguing openers that promise to fill that gap. But beware of overpromising and underdelivering — the key is to intrigue, not mislead.

Crafting Viral Content

Viral Headlines

Since people decide whether to click on a piece of content in seconds, headlines are critical. Use these time-tested formulas:

Curiosity Gaps: Headlines like "The One Reason You Should Never ____" spark curiosity by promising to fill knowledge gaps.

Social Proof: "Over 2 million People Are Already Using This App" leverages our herd mentality.

Specificity: Concrete details pique interest more than generalities. "She Lost 50 Pounds in 6 Months" pulls readers in.

Numbers: Headers featuring stats like "The 50 Best _____" capture attention by quantifying value.

Power Words: Words like "Unforgettable," "Proven," or "Fail-Safe" signal importance.

The Art of Storytelling

Stories connect us at a profound level. They transcend culture and demographics to unite people through shared meaning and emotion. Savvy content creators are tapping into storytelling in creative ways:

Origin Stories: How a company, product, or idea emerged. These humanise brands.

Behind-the-scenes: Demystify processes by bringing audiences along. Show, don't just tell.

Hero's Journey: Follow classic story arcs of underdog triumph over struggle.

User Stories: Spotlight diverse customer personas and how they uniquely benefit.

Sequels: Serial content leverages cliffhangers and anticipation. The story continues...

Stories capture attention, imagination, and loyalty on a deeper level than mere facts can. Experiment with multimedia formats like video and podcasts to fully leverage their viral potential.

The Habit-Forming Formula

Besides emotions, viral content leverages the power of habits. Behavioural psychologist Nir Eyal outlines the "Hook Model" of habit formation:

Trigger: Cues that spark user action. FOMO-inducing headlines that promise exclusive value work well.

Action: Make the desired action incredibly easy and obvious. Smart UX eliminates friction.

Variable Reward: Keep it exciting! Surprise rewards, such as lottery contests or hidden "Easter eggs" in content, keep anticipation high.

Investment: Get users actively involved. Quizzes, challenges, and puzzles turn them into stakeholders.

Habit-forming content first hooks users and then reels them into a recurring cycle. Build anticipation of rewards into serial content by ending on mini-cliff hangers to propel sharing.

Creating Habits Around Your Content

For content to go viral, it must not only capture attention but also become a part of the audience's digital routine. This means creating content that's easily consumable and, more importantly, sharable. Whether through catchy headlines, serialised content, or interactive elements like quizzes, the goal is to make your content a habit for your audience.

Balancing Act: The Ethics of Psychological Triggers

While leveraging psychological triggers will enhance your content's reach, navigating this territory with ethical consideration is essential. Acknowledging the potential for manipulation and striving for authenticity and value can help maintain trust with your audience. After all, the most impactful content is shared widely, trusted, and respected.

Optimising Based on Platform

With so many avenues for discovery, viral content requires optimisation for specific platforms:

Facebook: Leverage existing communities and groups. Encourage users to tag friends who would find the content valuable.

X (formerly Twitter): Participate in conversations already taking place. Make content easily retweetable. Use trending hashtags where appropriate.

YouTube: Upcycle existing viral videos by putting your spin on popular trends. Lean into emotions and entertainment over pure information.

Instagram: Visually stunning and playful content thrives here. Leverage influencers and paid partnerships for amplification.

Tailoring content to each platform multiplies its viral potential. To refine your approach, analyse both quantitative data and qualitative signals.

By understanding and applying the principles of psychology, content marketers can craft messages that not only resonate with their audience but also inspire them to share. With a balanced approach that respects your audience's intelligence and emotions, your content has the power to be seen, remembered, and passed on. Here's to crafting content that captures attention and captivates hearts and minds, spreading far and wide across the digital landscape.